pdx lost&found is an art project inspired by observing life in Portland, Oregon. “a lost personal belonging placed quietly at an obvious spot waiting for its owner”, this little scene is like a signal connecting us. these items are the parallel paths between us. the idea is that if we belong to each other, it would be hard to get lost again. this community archive captures the kindness, hope, and its potential spectrum across space, time, and memory.

in 2019 the project had an experimental start as a public instagram account with a shared username and password. folks would access the account to post what was lost&found in our city. the project is actively on-going with each little gesture that is always there even without any documentation. please leave a message for lost and found submissions. it could be a photo with a location or a description of an item with its location.

the found store came afterward as an opportunity for us to (re)connect: from conceptual craft to reused/repurposed seasoned objects, and sometimes some personal collections in a collective memory.

the lost & is a series of services that provide art tour events, font designs, and seeds-sharing activities.